Monday, January 18, 2016

Peek at the Week for January 19th

I hope everyone had a nice day off! I'm excited to see everyone back tomorrow!

Did you sign up to get School Messenger alerts from the district? Be the first to know about snow days, school-wide event information, and other important information from the school. This will replace the Remind 101 service used in the past. You can ready more about how to get these texts and emails here:

A huge thank you to everyone for participating in our Hat Day to raise money for the families affected by the flooding. As a district, we raised over $9,000!
Check our Facebook page for pictures!

I'd also like to thank all of our lovely moms, grandmas, aunts, and special friends for coming to Muffins with Mom on Friday! It's such unique chance to slow down and enjoy some breakfast with our little people! They LOVED having you visit our classroom and sharing their books with you! !

Check our Facebook page for pictures

Thanks for joining us for a our muffins with mom reading celebration!
Posted by Ms. Frederich's 2nd Grade on Sunday, January 17, 2016

In reading, we are AMPING up our reading power! We spent some time last learning "big idea" words like fluency, tone, rate, and dialogue. We learned that when we read, both out-lout and in our head, it should sound just like a spoken conversation. Not a robot! This week we will begin to explore "literary language" and how authors use comparisons, metaphors, idioms, and other interesting language to make a reader stop and think. 

In writing, we are continuing our work as poets! We have been using the items in our inspiration bags to get new ideas! Poets see the world differently and write about things to show the way we see it. Ask your child to "put on their poet eyes" and they can tell you what a poet sees!
We also experimented with line breaks, music, and rhyme. This week we will start to talk about different kinds of figurative language like similes, metaphors, as well as synonyms. This will connect it a BIG way to our reading unit!

In math, we are off and running with both addition and subtraction regrouping. This week we will take it a step further and practice this skill with much larger numbers, as well as look at some strategies to stretch our thinking. Coming soon... telling time on an analog clock!!

Monday 1/18/16 - No School (MLK Jr. Day)

No Library Class this week! Students will visit the Library individually throughout the week to exchange books. Due to our day off to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we will not go to the library for class this week. We will visit Mrs. Graeff next week!

If you have any questions or concerns, let me know! 

Have a great week!