Sunday, November 8, 2015

Peek at the Week November 8th

Last week, a yellow letter came home about our new adventure in 2nd grade - GENIUS HOUR!
I showed this to the kids - it inspired ideas and they are SO excited!

This is one part of our week where the kids are completely in control of their learning. They are choosing a topic that is important to them, researching, and creating something to share their learning.  Genius Hour is based on Google's 20% time. Here is a video that explains a little bit about where the idea made it's way into the classroom:

Imagination Playground Blocks:
The children are beyond excited about the arrival of the Imagination Playground big blue blocks.  We thank you and the financial support of the PTG for this incredible donation.  These blocks will be available during recess and will be stored in a shed purchased from the iDiscover project.  They promote creativity and collaborative thinking.  

Check them out!

Jammies and Blocks!

We also had inflatables last week! They were a blast!!!

Monday is Library Day!  Please help your child remember to return their books. 

Veteran's Day is this Wednesday! 
Concord is celebrating the veterans in our community! We will share thank you letters, poems, songs, and invite the veterans and their family to breakfast at Concord. Please come celebrate with us!

DOC's Mom's Night Out is happening on Friday, November 13th 6-9PM! Only $5/child. Register here:

 Please submit form and make payment by PayPal or by sending money to school.  DEADLINE TO ORDER IS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH. Orders that have not received payment, will not be filled. You should expect to have items come home by the week of December 14th. All orders will be delivered before the holiday break.

Helping Hands 2015:
Concord has had a great start to our Annual Helping Hands Campaign. The program will run through Dec. 11th. All proceeds from the Winter Festival on December 5th also go directly to our families. The money collected during this program will go towards Ameren UE cards and/or grocery gift cards so that the families can buy perishable food items. The Giving Tree will begin on Monday, November 2nd! The tree is an opportunity for you to provide toys, clothing, and gift cards specific to the family’s needs. The Giving Tree will be sent to you through SignUp Genius or you can find the link on the PTG website and the PTG Newsletter. We appreciate your family’s participation in this Concord tradition

This week we are collecting Paper Products. 
 We are so proud of all the amazing donations that students have already sent in.  This week we will be collecting paper products such as toilet paper, napkins, paper towels, plates, etc.  Keep up the great work

Monday, November 9: 7:00 p.m. DOC meeting
Wednesday, November 11: 9:00 a.m. Veterans Day Assembly  
Friday, November 13: Mom's Night Out, 6:00-9:00
Friday, November 13: Picture Retake day

Tuesday, November 17: 6:15 Party Planning Meeting
Tuesday, November 17: 7:00 PTG General Meeting in Library
Wednesday, November 18Early dismissal and Leader in Me Assembly

If you have any questions or concerns, let me know! 
Have a great week!

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