It was another awesome week in second grade! As the weather heats up again, I want to remind you that your child is more than welcome to bring a water bottle to school. We do not have a water fountain in our classroom, so it's nice to have a water bottle available to them to stay hydrated without having to leave the classroom. We also have snack every day at 1:45 - please be sure to send your growing kiddo a light snack!
Thank you for sending in notes & emails for dismissal changes - it helps me tremendously!
This week during Daily 5 and Writer's Workshop, we are continuing to build stamina as readers and writers. We are getting stronger and stronger, growing like bean stalks! We are beginning to talk about what readers do when they get stuck - stopping to check for understanding, and how to solve those extra tricky words they might run into in longer in books.
In math we are continuing to build on our knowledge of addition and subtraction concepts. We practiced using what we know to add last week - make a ten, put the bigger number in your head and count on, using "touch math," and more!
This week we will continue to build on subtraction strategies. Our first math test is coming soon! More on that next week...
This week we will continue to build on subtraction strategies. Our first math test is coming soon! More on that next week...
In social studies we will continue learning about communities, the Leader in Me Seven Habits, and goal setting.
Tomorrow is LIBRARY DAY! Please help your child remember to bring all of their books back to school so they can exchange for new ones!
Please make sure the paperwork sent home at the ice-cream social (and through email) is returned. If there is a paper missing on your child, you will be receiving an email this afternoon.
CURRICULUM NIGHT is on Tuesday night at 7:00. We will meet in our classroom, Room 12. I will have a sign-up sheet for conferences in October, so bring your calendar!
This is an event just for parents. Babysitting is available from the Concord PTG! You can sign up here!
September 1: PTG board meeting {9:00-11:00 a.m.}
September 1: Grade 2 curriculum night {7:00 p.m. Room 12}
September 4: Bus Driver Day
September 7: No School {Labor Day}
September 16: Early Release {Dismissal at 1:40}
September 11: PTG Movie Night! {6:30 p.m.}
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!
Have a great week!