Sunday, August 30, 2015

Peek at the Week!

It was another awesome week in second grade! As the weather heats up again, I want to remind you that your child is more than welcome to bring a water bottle to school. We do not have a water fountain in our classroom, so it's nice to have a water bottle available to them to stay hydrated without having to leave the classroom. We also have snack every day at 1:45 - please be sure to send your growing kiddo a light snack!

Thank you for sending in notes & emails for dismissal changes - it helps me tremendously!

This week during Daily 5 and Writer's Workshop, we are continuing to build stamina as readers and writers. We are getting stronger and stronger, growing like bean stalks! We are beginning to talk about what readers do when they get stuck - stopping to check for understanding, and how to solve those extra tricky words they might run into in longer in books.

In math we are continuing to build on our knowledge of addition and subtraction concepts. We practiced using what we know to add last week - make a ten, put the bigger number in your head and count on, using "touch math," and more!
This week we will continue to build on subtraction strategies. Our first math test is coming soon! More on that next week...

In social studies we will continue learning about communities, the Leader in Me Seven Habits, and goal setting.

Tomorrow is LIBRARY DAY! Please help your child remember to bring all of their books back to school so they can exchange for new ones!

Please make sure the paperwork sent home at the ice-cream social (and through email) is returned. If there is a paper missing on your child, you will be receiving an email this afternoon.

CURRICULUM NIGHT is on Tuesday night at 7:00. We will meet in our classroom, Room 12. I will have a sign-up sheet for conferences in October, so bring your calendar!
 This is an event just for parents. Babysitting is available from the Concord PTG! You can sign up here!

September 1: PTG board meeting {9:00-11:00 a.m.}
September 1: Grade 2 curriculum night {7:00 p.m. Room 12}
September 4: Bus Driver Day
September 7: No School {Labor Day}
September 16: Early Release {Dismissal at 1:40}
September 11: PTG Movie Night! {6:30 p.m.}

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Reading Logs!

Last night, our very first reading log went home. Second grade readers really take off, growing like weeds as readers. One of the ways we help them really "become" readers in their daily lives is by making the habit of reading at home. Most Concord students already have a solid foundation of reading at home from first grade and kindergarten. 

This year, we are raising the bar. 
We want them to be stronger readers, reading books for longer. 

Your child should be reading at least 15 minutes a night, or about 90 minutes a week. Most kids can (and will) read for longer. That is GREAT! But the expectation is at least 15 minutes. They can set a timer or make a rough estimate. 

Help your child create their own routine to read. It's helpful for young learners to know what to expect by reading at the same time and in the same place every day. Here are some suggestions.
Read at the table right before/after dinner.
Read at bedtime every night.
Snuggle up in your favorite chair or on the couch and read right after school.

We all know that we have activities like soccer and dance that can get in the way. But it's helpful to follow the same routine everyday for homework and reading.

Students can read to themselves independently, read to a family member, and can be read to by an older, fluent reader. All are acceptable ways to read for a 2nd grade student. If they are reading independently, they should be reading books that are at their level, or "just right books." Harder books or long chapter books are wonderful books to read to your child.

The most important part... help your child develop a love and excitement for reading. 
Happy Reading!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Peek at the Week!

Wow! It sure was an amazing back-to-school week! We had a lot of fun getting to know each other and learning the ropes of second grade. I hope everyone had a chance to play outside this weekend and take in the beautiful weather! 

Each week, I will post important information for the coming week. The Facebook page, blog, and email subscriptions are synced together to include the same content. If you enter your email to the right of this post, where it says "subscribe," you can have an email sent to you each time I update the blog. You can also "like" our Facebook page by clicking on the "F" above to be sent to Facebook. I will also send an email to remind you each week to check the blog for updates.

This week during Daily 5 and Writer's Worksop, we will discuss building stamina as a readers and writers. Second grade readers start to take off, growing like bean stalks! They start to read more books and for longer stretches. We will also learn about writing personal narratives as a second grader. We will build on what they already know about "watermelon seed" stories that they wrote in first grade. 

In math we will start by reviewing addition and subtraction concepts.

In social studies we will be talking about communities and the Leader in Me Seven Habits.

We wil go to the Concord Library every Monday. Tomorrow is the first day to go check out books! Please help your child remember to return their books every week. I will also remind them on Fridays.

Tomorrow we have P.E. Your child needs to wear tennis shoes or bring them to change into each time we have P.E. The block class schedule is on the right side of the blog. 

Please make sure the paperwork sent home at the ice-cream social (and through email) is return by the end of this week. Thank you! 

If you are looking for a digital copy of the parent guide, they have been updated and can be found here: Concord K-5 Parent Guide

September 1: PTG board meeting {9:00-11:00 a.m.}
September 1: Grade 2 curriculum night {7:00 p.m.}
September 4: Bus Driver Day
September 7: No School {Labor Day}
September 16: Early Release {Dismissal at 1:40}

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!
Have a great week!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Second days are SUPER!

Everyone is starting to settle in to the second grade routine. These kids ARE fabulous! I can tell it's going to be a GREAT year!

Here are a few peeks into our room today:

Morning Meeting hand-shake greeting. 

Word Study Pre-Assessment - what kinds of words do I need to learn?

Today we played a get-to-know you game called "train wreck"

Lunch time! One of our favorite parts of the day!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

First Day of School!

We are having a great first day in second grade! It has been so much fun seeing old friends and making new friends!

Watching FlyerVision!
Find someone who.... Meeting new friends and classmates!

Aiden lost a tooth!!

P.E. With Mrs. Siegfried!

Leaders on the move!

Snack time!

Blobs and lines - a get to know you game. 

Who is like me?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

It's almost time!

Thank you everyone for coming out to the Ice Cream Social last night! It was a wonderful to meet all of my students and their families! I am so excited to get started tomorrow!

If you haven't already, please SUBSCRIBE to the blog. This will automatically email you when the blog is updated. There is a box to enter your email on the right side of the blog.

You can also LIKE our class Facebook page. The blog and Facebook page are linked - all of the content is identical.

Here is the link again for a quick survey just in case you hadn't had a chance to send that to me yet:

I have a few notes for the first day of school:

First Day Pictures!
You are more than welcome to come down to the classroom tomorrow morning and take a "First Day of School" picture! However, after the first day, I'd encourage you to say your good-byes at the bench by the gym or come through the parent drop off line. Here is an excellent video of how that works:

Concord Shirts
Your child will be bringing home a Concord Shirt on Friday! They are the same design as the black shirt I was wearing last night, but the shirt will be purple.  I will do my best to get your child's size, or a size up. I will also be putting their name on the tag, since almost 100 second graders will have the exact same shirt. You can enter your child's size here:

Learning to Be Innovative... and Learning to Fail
Our theme this year is "Ignite, Innovate, Inspire"
I live to ignite a passion for learning and inspire little hearts each day. We will be learning about what it means to be "innovative" in the coming weeks. Please see the PARENTS tab above to learn about how you can be involved in this process!

Block Class Materials
Be sure to check out the block schedule on the right side of the blog. There is also a calendar that has each letter day, so you know which day we are on in the schedule. We have P.E. on the first day of school. Please be sure your child is either wearing tennis shoes or has a pair to change into in their back pack. Also, in the coming days, please send you child's art shirt to school.

Family Photo
If you didn't have a chance to bring in your family photo last night, please send it to school when you get a chance.

I'm really excited to begin the year tomorrow! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Getting to Know You!

 Hello 2nd Grade Families!

Soon you will be getting a letter in the mail. The letter will refer to a link to a form that can be found here:

Please take a moment to fill out this form so I can get to know your child better before school begins!
Thank you!